Monday, January 9, 2012

Water(: (middle re-did)

 This a snow patch in my neighbors yard. I chose snow because i like to take pictures of snow. It worked  better when i did a straight down shooting than a angle shooting. I could have of took more than 20 picture to work with to make more options. I used a Kodak easyshare C180 to take all of these pictures. My shutter speed was 1/40 my aperture was f/2.9 and my focal length was 5.7 mm.

 This is a patch of ice on the side walk i slipped and almost fell on ha!! I took this for a picture because it is frozen water... Shutter speed was 0.03333 aperture was f/2.9 and focal length was 5.7mm.
/Another thing of snow. it could of had more or less variety of colors. Shutter was 0.16667 aperture was f/2.9 and focal length  was 5.7 mm.


  1. The middle photograph with the leaf would look stronger if you cropped off some of the top and the right side. Save the leaf and crack and textures. Interesting shot.

  2. I think that the second one is the best! :)
