This a snow patch in my neighbors yard. I chose snow because i like to take pictures of snow. It worked better when i did a straight down shooting than a angle shooting. I could have of took more than 20 picture to work with to make more options. I used a Kodak easyshare C180 to take all of these pictures. My shutter speed was 1/40 my aperture was f/2.9 and my focal length was 5.7 mm.
This is a patch of ice on the side walk i slipped and almost fell on ha!! I took this for a picture because it is frozen water... Shutter speed was 0.03333 aperture was f/2.9 and focal length was 5.7mm.
Another thing of snow. it could of had more or less variety of colors. Shutter was 0.16667 aperture was f/2.9 and focal length was 5.7 mm.